The 6 types of the favorite French sweets

Home 9 Sweet & Salty 9 The 6 types of the favorite French sweets

The French are renowned for their consumption of sweet things, especially candy. For information, in France more than 200,000 tonnes of sweets are consumed every year. Even if this seems an astronomical amount, it’s not the European record: Sweden holds it with more than twice the consumption of the French. But what are French people’s favourite sweet things, and why?
In the food business these condensed sugar products are considered to be everyday consumables in life, in some cases almost a bare necessity. For many people, eating sweets seems to be a momentary escape and they’re unbeatable little everyday treats.


Liquorice sweets have taken over French cupboards

Liquorice sweets have won the hearts of French people.

Where sweet things are concerned, liquorice is the favourite candy of the French. In the olden days, liquorice was especially sold as a remedy for some respiratory illnesses. It was renowned for its medicinal properties and its numerous beneficial effects on health. But one day it found a whole new world; that of confectionery. It exists in various forms for different tastebuds but it always retains its inimitable texture.

Ranging from little liquorice squares in green or pink, to small sugar balls coiled in liquorice, there’s something to suit every taste ! There are many different flavours: vanilla, mint, honey, eucalyptus, almond, coconut, chocolate …. there’s even savoury liquorice in the form of pastilles. Whatever its form and its taste, at least one packet of liquorice slips into a French trolley during large and medium size shopping trips.

Mint sweets have won over the French !

The consumption and sale of mint sweets is on the rise in France ! It has to be said that French people adore them ! As well as their cool taste along with a sugary flavour, mint sweets seem to be a pleasant way to keep breath fresh right through the day.
But when it’s hot, these sweets also provide a sensation of freshness which make them one of the favourite sweets of consumers. These sweets are also eaten as a therapeutic remedy in some cases, for example to unblock nostrils during a severe cold. All the same it’s important to stress that some people are allergic to mint: so you can’t abuse this type of sweets.

Refreshing pastilles are among French people’s favourite sweets.


Refreshing pastilles are always present in French bags.

Refreshing pastilles are very much appreciated by French people. According to the different brands these sweets can also come in a range of flavours including all sorts of fruits, sugar-free, or liquorice. Confectioners are constantly changing their presentation so that consumers find their happiness through candy.
These sweets are generally small in size to pop into the mouth and to enable discreet freshening of breath. According to the signs, you can find between ten and twenty flavours of these products. Some brands today even offer organic products. With their flavours and refreshing properties, pastilles have confirmed their place in the list of French people’s favourite sweets.

The French also love organic candy

French people are increasingly turning towards organically produced consumables, even where sweet things are concerned. That’s because it limits the risk of illnesses resulting from uncontrolled consumption of sweets. Several brands today offer products with the ‘organic’ label which the French have immediately taken on board.
You can find, amongst other things, confectionery with natural colouring such as beetroot juice for marshmallows and sweets with natural sugar. Whether it’s by sucking or chewing, children as well as adults have found a way to enjoy the struggle against cavities and calories. The organic sweet is becoming the consumers’ favourite because it’s the healthiest option. But it shouldn’t be forgotten, even so, that sugar must not be eaten to excess

Gums count among French people’s favourite sweets.

Gums have been on the marketplace in France for many years and the French still love them ! Whether it’s for the texture, the consistency, the sugary taste or just the pleasure of eating, gums are without doubt one of the favourite sweets in France.
The different brands on the marketplace selling this type of sweet have bet not only on the power of the product’s taste but also on the candy’s appearance. Produced in several colours, gums attract much interest from children but also from adults who want to enjoy themselves There are many varieties of these sweets and they’re sold by the packet or by the kilo for the gourmands !

Fruit sweets : a favourite of the French !


Small and grown-up French people can’t do without fruit sweets.

Because sweets play a part in happy times for French people (Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Mothers’ Day and Halloween), they’re sold in all forms !
Fruit candy is among the best selling and most appreciated by French people. Crunchy, fondant or gooey, sweet things play a daily role for an awful lot of people. Banana or strawberry, mango or peach, cherry or orange, the French make their own choice: each will share in a fruity moment with an unbeatable treat for the tastebuds. If you want to learn more about sugar consumption in the world, it’s all here.

And you, dear French readers, what’s your favourite sweet ?

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